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Hunger Hike – Celebration & 1.5K Walk – Sunday September 17
Hunger Hike is an annual community fundraising event whose mission is to raise the awareness of and make a difference in the Fight Against Hunger. Hunger Hike is open to participants of all ages and abilities who share a common goal: Fighting Hunger!
The Hunger Hike main event is our annual celebration at Riehle Plaza — immediately followed by the traditional Hunger Hike 1.5K Walk.
- 1 p.m. – Celebration begins at Riehle Plaza
- 2 p.m. – 1.5K Walk at Riehle Plaza
6 Ways to Participate
- Hike/walk in the Hunger Hike 1.5K Walk, Information HERE
- Make a Donation NOW, HERE
- Support a Team or a Fundraiser, HERE
- Become a Sponsor, email info@hungerhike.org or call 765-423-2691
- Collect donations the “old school” way
- Collection Form – click HERE – print and use to keep track of your donations
- Promote Hunger Hike – Flier, Poster, Postcard & more – click HERE
More information, click HERE
Sponsoring Organizations
All Hunger Hike proceeds benefit the Lafayette Urban Ministry Food Programs, Food Finders Food Bank, Inc. & St. Thomas Aquinas Haiti Ministry. Learn more, click HERE.

Event Sponsors
Special Thanks to our Event Sponsors! Take the time to THANK all of our event sponsors — and support their businesses, please.
Hunger Hike event sponsors, list HERE.
Hunger Hike events need dozens of volunteers. Please consider helping. Learn more HERE.

Hunger Hike Photos – To view all of the Hunger Hike photos through the years, click HERE