Has Hunger Hike Reached the Goal? Not Yet!
The Hunger Hike 2019 goal, $100,000, has not been met yet, but we are so very close. Each year 15% of the donations are made AFTER Hunger Hike. Working together this goal can be achieved.
To learn how you still can support Hunger Hike and help us reach our goal, go to hungerhike.org.
The programs at LUM, Food Finders and St. Thomas Aquinas are depending on you. Thanks.
Hunger Hike 2019 — Spirited & Passionate Crowd
Hunger Hike 2019 on Sunday, September 22, drew a big crowd with passionate participants wanting to make a difference. Despite predictions of thunderstorms, it turned out to be a perfect autumn afternoon. The “Hike” was pleasant and picturesque.
It began with a blessing, a spirited cheer from the Purdue Cheerleaders and Purdue Pete, and the traditional Zumba Warm Up led by Miss Brooke, Kasie & Amanda from Studio b Dance & Fitness. The US National Anthem was then sung by Indiana State Representative Sheila Klinker and her daughter, Kelly Jacobs. There was also live music, face-painting, balloon animals, massages, and voter registration.
Before the Hike kicked off there was an inspiring keynote from Coach Sharon Versyp, the Hunger Hike honorary co-chair, as well as remarks from Jason Mitchell, Purdue Crew assistant coach; Lafayette Mayor Tony Roswarski; West Lafayette Mayor John Dennis; and State Representatives Chris Campbell & Sheila Klinker.
Purdue Pete, Purdue Cheerleaders, and the Purdue Crew Team led the hikers up the Wabash Heritage Trail along the Wabash River. Hunger Hike concluded with a Celebration Picnic with hot dogs, chips & bottled water for all participants.
For 27 years, Hunger Hike has brought much needed attention & funds to the battle against malnutrition, food insecurity & hunger locally, regionally & globally. Thank you to all of our participants & sponsors for another epic event.

Purdue Boilermaker Spirit at Hunger Hike
In addition to the two Purdue coaches serving as 2019 honorary co-chairs (see below), Hunger Hike featured Purdue Pete, the Purdue Cheer team and the Boilermaker Special.
The Purdue Cheer team performed with Purdue Pete right before Zumba.
Thanks to Purdue Athletics and the Purdue Reamer Club for their support.
Zumba Warm Up – Annual Hunger Hike Tradition
One of the highlights of Hunger Hike each year is the Zumba warm-up presented by Studio b Dance & Fitness (downtown Lafayette).
Zumba followed the blessing and Purdue cheerleaders.
Miss Brooke (studio owner), Amanda & Kasie (fitness instructors) brought the Hunger Hike crowd to their feet with the annual Zumba warm-up.
Studio b Dance & Fitness was recently recognized as the Small Business of the Year.
Indiana State Rep. Klinker to Sing National Anthem
Sheila Klinker, Indiana State Representative, will kick-off Hunger Hike sang of the US National Anthem with her daughter, Kelly Jacobs.
State Representative Sheila Klinker was first elected in 1982 to represent District 27. A proud Boilermaker alumna, Klinker taught for more than 34 years in the Lafayette School Corporation and served as the Outreach Liaison for the Purdue School of Education for 15 years. As a college student, Klinker was named “Miss Purdue” and finished as second runner-up in the “Miss Indiana” contest. Klinker lives in Lafayette with her husband, Victor. They have three children and five grandchildren.
Co-Chairs — Purdue Coaches Versyp & Kucik
The Hunger Hike 2019 honorary co-chairs were Purdue Coaches Sharon Versyp (women’s basketball) & Dave Kucik (men’s & women’s crew & rowing).
Coaches Versyp & Kucik are perfect ambassadors for Hunger Hike. Both set the bar high for their own work and their teams. They have a serious commitment to serving their community — especially in supporting food assistance and nutrition programs. Participants were able to meet them and the student-athletes as well as see a Purdue Crew team “shell.”
Music from RatPak’s “DJ Powder” Starts (Noon – 3:30 p.m.)
DJ Powder from Rat Pak Mobile DJs was the emcee and provided dance music at Hunger Hike.
DJ Powder created a fun, family friendly, festive environment during the kick-off of Hunger Hike.
Hot Dog Picnic
Clowns, Massages, Voter Registration & More
At Hunger Hike, there was a Hot Dog Picnic with free hot dogs, bottled water & chips. Hunger Hike also included clowns, face painting, balloon animals, massages, and voter registration. Hunger Hike is thankful for the support of our many sponsors — including:
- Printing – Instant Copy Printing, Lafayette
- Bottled Water – Aqua Systems, Lafayette
- Hot Dogs – Texas Roadhouse, Lafayette
- Banners – Sign Art Etc., Lafayette
- Trophies – Awards Unlimited, Inc., Lafayette
- Massages – Essential Touch Massage, Lafayette
- Face Painting & Balloon Animals – Smiles Unlimited Clown Ministry, Laffy-ette Chapter
Please show your appreciation for our Hunger Hike event sponsors by supporting and thanking them.
| Donate Online | Hunger Hike—Online Fundraising |
The Official Hunger Hike 2019 T-Shirt
Here is this year’s official Hunger Hike T-shirt.
Everyone who raised more than $50 was presented with a 2019 Hunger Hike T-shirt at check-in on Sunday, September 22 at Riehle Plaza. Participants can now wear them in pride knowing that they have made a difference in the Fight Against Hunger.
It is not too late to start raising money for Hunger Hike — and secure your official 2019 T-shirt. Just go to the Hunger Hike website and get started today — hungerhike.org.
| Donate Online | Hunger Hike—Online Fundraising |