Category Archives: LUM

Be a Hunger Hike HERO

This year everyone is encouraged to be a Hunger Hike HERO.

To be a Hunger Hike Hero, individuals must do the following:hungerhike_HERO

  • Participate in the traditional Hunger Hike on Sunday, September 21
  • Raise $50 or more for Hunger Hike
  • Run in the HH5K Run on Saturday, September 20th

If you participate in both events on Hunger Hike weekend and raise at least $50 — you will not only get two T-shirts and water bottle — you will also be recognized as a Hunger Hike HERO.

Take the challenge—Run, Hike, Raise money to Fight Hunger — and become a Hunger Hike HERO!

HH5K Run

Saturday, September 20

8 a.m. — Check In

9 a.m. — Race begins

Cumberland Park, West Lafayette, Indiana


Hunger Hike 3K Walk

Sunday, September 21

Noon — Check In

1:45 p.m. — Remarks

2 p.m. –- Hike begins

Riehle Plaza, Lafayette, Indiana


Hike to Fight Hunger

  • Donate Online
  • Hunger Hike—3K Walk Registration
  • HH5K Run Registration
  • Support a Team
  • Become a Sponsor

Go to

If you have questions – call or email (765.423.2691 |



Join LUM online and help us serve children and families even better.



Hunger Hike 5K Run 2014

Come join us for the Hunger Hike 5K Run

Race to Feed the Hungry

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Be a part of the annual Hunger Hike 5K Run and Race to Feed the Hungry. The HH5K Run is open to runners of all ages and abilities who share a common goal: Fighting Hunger!

The HH5K Run will convene in Cumberland Park with start/finish on the beautiful grassy field of the park. The course is mostly flat and paved with a short part on the trails in the woods of Cumberland Park. The 5K route allows participants to run while a scenic route through West Lafayette in early autumn.

Advanced Registration is encouraged but race day walk-ups are welcome.

The purpose of the HH5K Run is to use physical exercise to draw attention to and funds for “Feeding the Hungry.” All HH5K proceeds directly support the Lafayette Urban Ministry food assistance programs including the St. John’s/LUM Food Pantry, Food Finders Food Bank Inc., and St. Thomas Aquinas’ Haitian Ministry including the Haiti Water Purification Project.

Register at today. It’s an opportunity to support these outstanding local organizations while enjoying a serious 5K event.


  • Saturday, September 20, 2014


  • 8:00-8:45 a.m. EDT – Check-in
  • 9:00 a.m. EDT – 5K Run begins


  • Cumberland Park
  • 3101 N Salisbury Street, West Lafayette

Registration Cost:

  • $30


NOW through noon on Friday, September 19, 2014. Click HERE to Register.

Onsite Registration:

Saturday, September 20, 2014 from 8:00-8:45 a.m. EDT

2013-04-20 HH5K 030 (2)

Virtual Runners

Participate in the Hunger Hike 5K Run even if you’re Out of Town –prefer running on a treadmill – are not a runner – or just want to Sleep-in – and make a difference as a Hunger Hike 5K Virtual Runner. Virtual Runners will receive a Hunger Hike 5K T-shirt and will be listed in the final results as a supporter of the Hunger Hike 5K Run. Register as a virtual runner, click HERE.


Note: If you cannot attend the race but would still like to make a tax deductible donation, please click HERE!


And also Join Us for the…

Hunger Hike 2014 — 3K Walk

  • Date: Sunday, September 21, 2014
  • Time: 2:00-3:00 p.m.; (Register NOW. Check in at Noon. Hunger Hike begins at 2 p.m.)
  • Place: Riehle Plaza, N 2nd Street, Lafayette
  • Register, click HERE


Join LUM online and help us serve children and families even better.



Hunger Hike 2014 – New Enthusiasm

Summer 2014

Dear Friend,

HH logoYou may recall that last year’s Hunger Hike event fell significantly short of its fundraising goal.  It was only through the concern, effort and generosity of people like you, that we were finally able to meet and exceed that goal in early December – a full two months after the event.

Since that time, Hunger Hike’s three sponsors – Lafayette Urban Ministry, Food Finders Food Bank and St. Thomas Aquinas Center’s Haitian Relief Ministry – have been hard at work proactively reorganizing our Hunger Hike fundraising efforts so as not to have a repeat of last year’s results.

We have been working so hard, that we recently 2012-09-16 Hunger Hike 2012 199 (2)announced to the community that we believe Hunger Hike has the capacity to raise $125,000 this year – a full 30% more than our 2013 goal!

There is so much new energy and enthusiasm in place for Hunger Hike that we are already looking forward to what a successful event might mean for our efforts to feed the hungry.

  • At the Lafayette Urban Ministry, the St. John’s/LUM Food Pantry will extend its hours and be open on Saturdays in addition to its current operating hours during the week.
  • Food Finders Food Bank, Inc. would be able to expand its Mobile Pantry program to fight hunger when and where it is needed the most.
  • St. Tom’s Haiti Ministry would spend additional funds to further develop their pilot program of providing Haitian people with seeds that survive a variety of weather conditions.  They will also expand their water purification

We know that you have been a generous supporter of Hunger Hike in the past and we hope that you will join us in our effort to expand Hunger Hike’s impact during 2014.

First of all, you can help by circling the following dates on your calendar…

  • Hunger Hike 5K Run — Saturday, September 20, 8:00 a.m., West Lafayette’s Cumberland Park
  • Hunger Hike 3K Walk — Sunday, September 21, 2:00 p.m., Levee Plaza Parking lot in West Lafayette

You can also help by making a generous gift to Hunger Hike, right now, prior to the event.

Your gift of $35, $50, $100, $250, $500, or more, will allow our three sponsor organizations to expand their programs, respond to pressing need and better fulfill their missions of feeding hungry children and strengthening families who are experiencing food insecurity.

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Hunger Hike is our community’s oldest and most well-respected fundraising walk, dating back to the early 1970’s.  Last year more than 1,100 people participated in the event.  Over the years, more than $1.5 million dollars have been raised, providing a critical social safety net to thousands of hungry children and adults.

We hope you will join us again this year by running a little faster, walking a little farther – and digging a little deeper.   Help us to meet the new and urgent challenges that face us each day on the front lines in the fight against hunger.

Can we hear from you today?  Make out your check to “Hunger Hike” and send it to LUM – or give online at


Joe Micon Signature

Joe Micon
Executive Director
Lafayette Urban Ministry

fr patrick signature

Rev. Patrick Baikauskas
Pastor/Director of Campus Ministries
St. Thomas Aquinas – the Catholic Center at Purdue

katybunder signature

Katy Bunder
Executive Director
Food Finders Food Bank, Inc.

PS Please help us to reach Hunger Hike’s expanded goal of $125,000 so that our three sponsor organizations can better respond to the needs of those who come to us for food.  Place your gift of $35, $50, $100, $250, $500, or more, into the enclosed envelope and return it today.  You may also give online at


How much should I donate? One helpful suggestion is to consider a donation equal to 10% of your monthly food budget or the cost of fast food meals for a month. To donate to Hunger Hike, click HERE.

Join LUM online and help us serve children and families even better.



A Fond Farewell to Ron Smith

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Happy Retirement to Ron Smith — LUM Program Director

Ron Smith, LUM program director, was recognized at a special reception by co-workers, LUM board directors, family and friends. Balloons, cake, speeches & even a song were offered as Ron turns the page on his seven-year involvement with LUM. At LUM, Ron directed Hunger Hike and Jubilee Christmas, and assisted with the tax preparation program & St. John’s/LUM Food Pantry.

Ron shared that his first paycheck came when he was 10 years old. He also stated “My many years of military service, employment at Purdue and various businesses, then here at LUM have been a wonderful way to spend a career.” He said that during his years at LUM he met many wonderful new friends who will continue to enrich his life for years to come. Thank you, Ron, for your hard work on behalf of the many children and families served here at LUM. Blessing to you!

Pictured above from L to R: Seated—Ron Smith and his daughter, Elaine McFadden; Standing—Jeremiah Dole, Ron Hoffman, Linda Hicks, Joyce Fasani, Mary Anderson, Joe Micon, Susan Brouillette, & Sylvia Mohler.


Join LUM online and help us serve children and families even better.



Hunger Hike 2013 – Exceeds Goal

Hunger Hike 2013 Raises $92,685

HH13 Media Event 001Today at a media event at Lafayette Urban Ministry, the Hunger Hike 2013 committee was thrilled to announce that the $90,000 goal for this year has been reached.

The Hunger Hike committee has been working hard for the past three months to raise money for the event. It was announced on September 19th that the fundraising for the Hunger Hike event held on Sunday, September 15, 2013, fell $30,000 short of the $90,000 goal. A decision was made following the event to extend the fundraising through December 1, 2013, in an attempt to reach that goal.

The goal was not only reach but it was exceeded. The Hunger Hike committee is pleased to announce that Hunger Hike 2013 raised $92,685.

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Hunger Hike 2013 Acknowledgements

Special Thanks to the McAllister Foundation for their generous donation of $5000 to Hunger Hike 2013

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The following companies and organizations donated $1000 toward Hunger Hike 2013:

  • Edocyte, Inc.
  • Evonik Degussa Corp.
  • Franciscan Alliance
  • Greyhouse Coffee & Supply Co.
  • Global Impact/Alcoa Employees
  • Tipmont REMC
  • Sisters of St. Joseph
  • Sisters of St. Francis Health Services, Inc.
  • Subway
  • System Concepts & Consulting, Inc.
  • Walmart Foundation

The Hunger Hike Committee also wishes to thank and acknowledge the:

  • 53 Hunger Hike 5K Run Donors
  • 75 Hunger Hike Donors
  • 38 Hunger Hike Sponsors

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“Every step makes a difference in the fight against hunger.”


Join LUM online and help us serve children and families even better.



Hunger Hike 2013 – Start Fundraising TODAY

HH logo

Hunger Hike 2013
An Annual Event to Help Feed the Hungry

This SUNDAY, September 15, 2013

12:30 p.m. Donations Accepted | 2 p.m. Hunger Hike begins
Riehle Plaza, downtown Lafayette 
More info, click HERE |


Teams—Individuals—Fraternities/Sororities—Church Groups—Companies

Hunger Hike is this Sunday, September 15th — So, go to, create a fundraising page, and help us make this the biggest Hunger Hike ever. Hunger is a fight that takes each and every one of us to battle — and Hunger Hike makes it easy and fun.

The time is NOW for you to get a group together for Hunger Hike 2013. Gather your group, create your team’s fundraising page online, and start collecting donations for Hunger Hike TODAY! All you will need to get started may be found at

There are lots of ways to participate!

  • HIKE! Organize a Team of friends, athletic team members, club members, fellow parishioners, family or co-workers
  • HIKE! Create your personal fundraising page and distribute it to your contacts via email and social media
  • HIKE! Collect donations from sponsors and bring to registration on the day of the Hunger Hike
  • Donate to Hunger Hike on-line, click HERE & designate “Hunger Hike”
  • Sponsor a Hiker — go to their fundraising page and donate to a Hiker or Team

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How does the Hunger Hike help?


Hikers and their sponsors help meet the needs of hungry families in greater Lafayette, surrounding counties and Haiti. Donations go to food programs at the Lafayette Urban Ministry, Food Finders Food Bank, and St. Thomas Aquinas Haiti Ministry. Thousands of low income families depend on these programs for food security. What should I know about hunger?

  • There are 870 million people in the world who do not eat enough to be healthy. That’s one in eight. (United Nations World Food Programme)
  • At least 15% of American households are food insecure. (USDA Economic Research Service)
  • Over 9,000 (43%) Tippecanoe County school children receive free or reduced price lunches. (Indiana Youth Institute)
  • Food Finders Food Bank distributes more than 6 million pounds of food annually to Tippecanoe and 15 surrounding counties.
  • At $250 per capita income, 80% of the rural Haitian population lives in poverty. (World Bank)
  • The St. John’s/LUM Food Pantry serves 2,000 Tippecanoe County residents every month.

How much should I donate? One helpful suggestion is to consider a donation equal to 10% of your monthly food budget or the cost of fast food meals for a month. To donate to Hunger Hike, click HERE.

Sign up today to raise money for Hunger Hike — create an online fundraising page, click HERE.

HH2013 facebook banner 5

Join LUM online and help us serve children and families even better.



Hunger Hike – How Does It Help?

HH logo

Hunger Hike 2013

This SUNDAY, September 15, 2013

12:30 p.m. | Riehle Plaza, downtown Lafayette

An Annual Event to Help Feed the Hungry

More info, click HERE | | #HungerHike

How does the Hunger Hike help?


Hikers and their sponsors help meet the needs of hungry families in greater Lafayette, surrounding counties and Haiti. Donations go to food programs at the Lafayette Urban Ministry, Food Finders Food Bank, and St. Thomas Aquinas Haiti Ministry. Thousands of low income families depend on these programs for food security. What should I know about hunger?

  • There are 870 million people in the world who do not eat enough to be healthy. That’s one in eight. (United Nations World Food Programme)
  • At least 15% of American households are food insecure. (USDA Economic Research Service)
  • Over 9,000 (43%) Tippecanoe County school children receive free or reduced price lunches. (Indiana Youth Institute)
  • Food Finders Food Bank distributes more than 6 million pounds of food annually to Tippecanoe and 15 surrounding counties.
  • At $250 per capita income, 80% of the rural Haitian population lives in poverty. (World Bank)
  • The St. John’s/LUM Food Pantry serves 2,000 Tippecanoe County residents every month.

How much should I donate? One helpful suggestion is to consider a donation equal to 10% of your monthly food budget or the cost of fast food meals for a month. To donate to Hunger Hike, click HERE.

Sign up today to raise money for Hunger Hike — create an online fundraising page, click HERE.

Join LUM online and help us serve children and families even better.



Hunger Hike 5K Run — 2013 Race Results

2013-04-20 HH5K 030 (2)

More than 75 runners and walkers were a part of the inaugural Hunger Hike 5K Run 2013 and Race to Feed the Hungry. The Hunger Hike 5K Run is open to runners of all ages and abilities who share a common goal: Fighting Hunger! It was a chilly morning but the skies were clear and the sun was shining — a perfect day for a race.

The Hunger Hike 5K Run 2013 convened at Munger Park (Greenbush Street entrance) with the start and finish at the shelter in Munger Park. The race followed their beautiful, paved lake-front Munger Park & Chatham Square trails. The latest “chip technology” was used to give all runners an accurate race result time.

The purpose of the Hunger Hike 5K Run is to use physical exercise to draw attention to and funds for “Feeding the Hungry.” All Hunger Hike 5K Run proceeds directly support the Lafayette Urban Ministry food assistance programs including the St. John’s/LUM Food Pantry, Food Finders Food Bank, and St. Thomas Aquinas’ Haitian Ministry including the Haiti Water Purification Project. Hunger Hike 5K Run gave serious runners an opportunity to support these outstanding local organizations while enjoying a 5K event.

PHOTOS of the 2013 Hunger Hike 5K Run may be found HERE.

Below are the official results from the Hunger Hike 5K Run on Saturday, April 20, 2013.

First Place (Male & Female) Runners: Gina Angelella & Joseph Braasch
First Place (Male & Female) Runners: Gina Angelella & Joseph Braasch

Overall Males Results 

Place Bib # Name Chip Elapsed Age
1 1463 JOSEPH BRAASCH  00:24:51.79 30
2 1510 Jeremiah Dole  00:24:55.83 27
3 1499 DONNIE PETERSON  00:25:43.97 23
4 1496 VINCE O’NEAL  00:26:26.09 51
5 1487 MAX MALAVENDA  00:28:13.75 14
6 1472 RALPH GARCIA  00:28:44.33 45
7 1480 TYLER JENSEN  00:28:44.43 23
8 1470 MATT FINGER  00:29:47.00 31
9 1474 PAT GEORGE  00:30:23.38 53
10 1492 JOE MICON  00:32:41.26 55
11 1522 Dave Deno  00:33:01.79 52
12 1475 BRENT GREGORY  00:33:37.63 32
13 1465 ODILON CAMPOS  00:34:28.13 51
14 1501 FRANK ROSENTHAL  00:35:29.94 68
15 1469 ROBERT FIELDS  00:39:19.60 47
16 1485 TOM LILLPOP  01:02:56.27 59

Overall Females Results 

Place Bib # Name Chip Elapsed Age
1 1460 GINA ANGELELLA  00:24:56.16 30
2 1504 VALERIE THOMAS  00:26:19.82 22
3 1495 CAROLYN O’NEAL  00:26:26.49 13
4 1457 JAMILA ABU-OMAR  00:29:19.51 15
5 1498 JOANNA PATTERSON  00:29:24.05 19
6 1497 DAWN PATTERSON  00:30:41.72 53
7 1508 GENEVIEVE VIDUYA  00:31:01.73 24
8 1525 Gladys Andino  00:31:08.79 31
9 1505 JENNIFER THOMPSON  00:31:25.25 28
10 1473 BETH GEORGE  00:31:36.25 53
11 1491 JO MICON  00:32:23.20 54
12 1468 JOAN LOW  00:32:40.16 35
13 1515 Corena Fendiner  00:32:47.76 70
14 1481 SHAY JOHNSON  00:33:11.91 22
15 1520 Elaine McFadden  00:33:26.66 40
16 1467 CONNIE DILDINE  00:33:37.30 50
17 1461 CARMEN BLUBAUGH  00:34:43.10 29
18 1519 Rebekah Niedner  00:35:40.95 23
19 1507 TRACY VANCE  00:39:01.98 30
20 1521 Tracy Deno  00:39:18.82 49
21 1500 LAURA PIKE  00:39:51.48 34
22 1459 KRISTEN ABU-OMAR  00:39:54.43 44
23 1458 JASMINE ABU-OMAR  00:40:26.16 18
24 1466 NICOLE CHOATE  00:41:56.63 35
25 1502 SHEILA ROSENTHAL  00:45:09.21 62
26 1482 YAVA JONES  00:47:45.34 35
27 1462 MISSY BLUE  00:48:10.31 41
28 1516 Ann Weil  00:48:28.67 52
29 1517 Mimi Arighi  00:48:28.83 60
30 1523 Shirley Robertson  00:49:02.15 55
31 1524 Heather Smith  00:49:17.34 40
32 1478 TRESSA HEATH  00:50:43.69 33
33 1477 KELLY HEATH  00:50:46.67 37
34 1484 GUYANNE LILLPOP  01:08:52.19 55

Congratulations to all of the Hunger Hike 5K Run participants — and Thank You for supporting our Fight against Hunger.

PHOTOS from Hunger Hike 5K Run may be viewed on LUM’s Facebook Page. Click HERE.

Join LUM online and help us serve children and families even better.


Hunger Hike 5K Run—Media Event

Highlights from the Media Event about Hunger Hike 5K Run

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Joe Micon, LUM executive director, hosted a media event at the new location of the first-ever, Hunger Hike 5K Run — Munger Park. Due to the cresting Wabash River, the Wabash Heritage Trail is not yet ready for our spring 5K event. The Hunger Hike 5K Run planning committee worked with the City of Lafayette — and the decision was made to move the race to Munger Park (3505 Greenbush Street, Lafayette). Click HERE to Register online for the Hunger Hike 5K Run.

The highlights of Joe Micon’s remarks at the media event are as follows:2013-04-17 Munger Park Press Conference 006 (2)

  • The run will now start and finish in Munger Park—due to the high water along the Wabash River.
  • The weather forecast for Saturday is perfect running weather — cool, clear and overcast.
  • The Munger Park and Chatham Square trails are perfect for all levels of runners.
  • The latest “chip technology” will be used for timing.
  • Each runner will receive a commemorative T-shirt.LUM-HUNGR-HK-5kRungreytshirt.
  • The winning runners will take away cash prizes: First place Male & Female Winner: $100 each; Second place Male & Female Winners: $50 each; Third place Male & Female Winners: $25 each
  • The run benefits three organizations focused on Feeding the Hungry: LUM Food Programs including St. John’s/LUM Food PantryFood Finders Food Bank; and St. Thomas Aquinas’ Haiti Ministry

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If you wish to see the Media Event online, click HERE.

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2013-04-17 Munger Park Press Conference 045 (2)

Online Registration for the HH5K will close at noon on Friday, April 19, 2013, but race day walk-ups are always welcome.

The purpose of the Hunger Hike 5K Run is to use physical exercise to draw attention to and funds for “Feeding the Hungry.” All Hunger Hike 5K Run proceeds directly support the Lafayette Urban Ministry food assistance programs including the St. John’s/LUM Food Pantry, Food Finders Food Bank, and St. Thomas Aquinas’ Haitian Ministry including the Haiti Water Purification Project. The latest “chip technology” will be used to give all runners an accurate race result time.

It’s an opportunity to support these outstanding local organizations while enjoying a serious 5K event.


  • Saturday, April 20, 2013


  • 8:00-8:45 a.m. EDT – On-site Registration
  • 9:00 a.m. EDT – 5K Run begins


  • Munger Park
  • 3505 Greenbush Street, Lafayette, Indiana

Registration Cost:

  • $25 before noon on April 19, 2013
  • $30 day of race


NOW through noon on Friday, April 19, 2013. Click HERE to Register.

Onsite Registration:

Saturday, April 20, 2013 from 8:00-8:45 a.m. EDT

2013-04-17 Munger Park Press Conference 049 (2)

Registration starts at 8:00 a.m. EDT

Registration is located in Munger Park, 3505 Greenbush Street, Lafayette. Participants may pick up their Registration Packets and T-shirt before the HH5K — on Saturday, April 20th from 8:00 to 8:45 a.m.

Race begins at 9:00 a.m. EDT

The Hunger Hike 5K Run will convene at Munger Park (Greenbush Street entrance) with start/finish at the shelter in Munger Park. The race will follow Munger Park’s beautiful, paved lake-front & Chatham Square trails.

The latest “chip technology” will be used to give all runners an accurate race result time.


  • Pre-Registration cost is $25.00 and is available until noon on Friday, April 19, 2013
  • HH5K Registration buttonOn-site Registration cost is $30.00 — the day of the race from 8:00 to 8:45 a.m.
  • Extra Hunger Hike 5K Run T-shirts are available for $15.00 each.

All Hunger Hike 5K Run participants, Register Here!

Online Registration for the Hunger Hike 5K Run will close on Friday, April 19, 2013 at noon but race day walk-ups are always welcome.

Virtual Runners

Participate in the Hunger Hike 5K Run even if you’re Out of Town –prefer running on a treadmill – are not a runner – or just want to Sleep-in – and make a difference as a Hunger Hike 5K Virtual Runner. Virtual Runners will receive a Hunger Hike 5K T-shirt and will be listed in the final results as a supporter of the Hunger Hike 5K Run.

Runner Benefits & Prizes

All eligible Hunger Hike 5K Run participants will receive a special Hunger Hike 5K T-shirt. Participants will be provided with water and a snack before and following the race. The overall men and women’s winners will each receive a $100 cash prize. There will also be cash and non-cash prizes for category winners. The race will be electronically timed using computer chip technology recording their race time as they cross the timed finish line. Results will be available upon completion of the race and posted on the Hunger Hike website before noon on the day of the race. All runners of all ages and abilities are welcome!

Note: If you cannot attend the race but would still like to make a tax deductible donation, please CLICK HERE!

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Mark Your Calendars! And also Join Us for…

Hunger Hike 2013
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Riehle Plaza, Lafayette

Join LUM online and help us serve children and families even better.


Hunger Hike 5K Run—Moves to Munger Park

Due to the recent rain —

the Wabash River is too high & the Heritage Trail is not ready.

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Due to the cresting Wabash River, the Wabash Heritage Trail is not yet ready for our spring 5K event. BUT even floods and torrential rains will not stop our efforts to Fight Hunger in our Community. The Hunger Hike 5K Run planning committee has been in discussions all weekend with the City of Lafayette — and the decision has been made to move the race to Munger Park (3505 Greenbush Street, Lafayette).

You are still encouraged to be a part of the inaugural Hunger Hike 5K Run & Race to Feed the Hungry. The Hunger Hike 5K Run is open to runners of all ages and abilities who share a common goal: Fighting Hunger!

The Hunger Hike 5K Run will convene at Munger Park (Greenbush Street entrance) with start/finish at the shelter in Munger Park. The race will follow their beautiful, paved lake-front & Chatham Square trails. The latest “chip technology” will be used to give all runners an accurate race result time.

Online Registration for the HH5K will close at noon on Friday, April 19, 2013, but race day walk-ups are always welcome.

munger park (2)

The purpose of the Hunger Hike 5K Run is to use physical exercise to draw attention to and funds for “Feeding the Hungry.” All Hunger Hike 5K Run proceeds directly support the Lafayette Urban Ministry food assistance programs including the St. John’s/LUM Food Pantry, Food Finders Food Bank, and St. Thomas Aquinas’ Haitian Ministry including the Haiti Water Purification Project. The latest “chip technology” will be used to give all runners an accurate race result time.

It’s an opportunity to support these outstanding local organizations while enjoying a serious 5K event.

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  • THIS Saturday, April 20, 2013


  • 8:00-8:45 a.m. EDT – On-site Registration
  • 9:00 a.m. EDT – 5K Run begins


  • Munger Park
  • 3505 Greenbush Street, Lafayette, Indiana

Registration Cost:

  • $25 before noon on April 19, 2013
  • $30 day of race


NOW through noon on Friday, April 19, 2013. Click HERE to Register.

Onsite Registration:

Saturday, April 20, 2013 from 8:00-8:45 a.m. EDT

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Registration starts at 8:00 a.m. EDT

Registration is located Munger Park, Lafayette. Participants may pick up their Registration Packets and T-shirt before the HH5K — on Saturday, April 20th from 8:00 to 8:45 a.m.

Race begins at 9:00 a.m. EDT

The Hunger Hike 5K Run will convene at Munger Park (Greenbush Street entrance) with start/finish at the shelter in Munger Park. The race will follow their beautiful, paved lake-front & Chatham Square trails. The latest “chip technology” will be used to give all runners an accurate race result time.


  • Pre-Registration cost is $25.00 is available until noon on Friday, April 19, 2013
  • HH5K Registration buttonOn-site Registration cost is $30.00 — the day of the race from 8:00 to 8:45 a.m.
  • Extra Hunger Hike 5K Run T-shirts are available for $15.00 each.

All Hunger Hike 5K Run participants, Register Here!

Online Registration for the Hunger Hike 5K Run will close on Friday, April 19, 2013 at noon but race day walk-ups are always welcome.

Virtual Runners

Participate in the Hunger Hike 5K Run even if you’re Out of Town –prefer running on a treadmill – are not a runner – or just want to Sleep-in – and make a difference as a Hunger Hike 5K Virtual Runner. Virtual Runners will receive a Hunger Hike 5K T-shirt and will be listed in the final results as a supporter of the Hunger Hike 5K Run.

Runner Benefits & Prizes

All eligible Hunger Hike 5K Run participants will receive a special Hunger Hike 5K T-shirt. Participants will be provided with water and a snack before and following the race. The overall men and women’s winners will each receive a $100 cash prize. There will also be cash and non-cash prizes for category winners. The race will be electronically timed using computer chip technology recording their race time as they cross the timed finish line. Results will be available upon completion of the race and posted on the Hunger Hike website before noon on the day of the race. All runners of all ages and abilities are welcome!

Note: If you cannot attend the race but would still like to make a tax deductible donation, please CLICK HERE!

2011-09-18 HH5K 11 019 (2)2011-09-18 HH5K 11 017 (3)2010-09-19 HH5K 10 012 (2)


Mark Your Calendars! And also Join Us for…

Hunger Hike 2013
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Riehle Plaza, Lafayette

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